Attentionomics: Captivating Attention in the Age of Content Decay (via Steve Rubel)

This posts covers a new Edelman Digital Insights package we're releasing today on "Attentionomics." You can find the deck below and on Slideshare.



The essence of this deck is that attention is linked with economic value creation. However, with infinite content options (space) yet finite attention (time) and personalized social algorithms curating it all for us, it's going to be increasingly challenging to stand out.


Let's  consider Twitter, for example. They are seeing a staggering 110 million tweets per day. And the volume is growing. But therein lies the challenge. Each tweet decays almost as soon as it is released. Some 92% of all retweets (and 97% of replies) are within the first 60 minutes according to Sysomos.



The situation in some ways is worse on Facebook where a highly personalized algorithm called EdgeRank curates our feed based on personal affinities, content formats and timeliness. There's not just one Facebook but 500M Facebooks. And, according to Vitrue, the majority of us participate at top and bottom of the hour. This means that anything you post to your Facebook page needs to create a social surge well before then.



So how do you make this work in your favor? Simple, businesses must obey the laws of attentionomics (e.g.) time and space. In the deck above you will find two sets of solutions. 


The first set of solutions covers space. It explains how to scale their surface area via digital embassies by...
  • Hand-crafting your content for each embassy
  • Activating employees as thought leaders
  • Tightly integrating owned and social assets
The second section covers time and how to make it your ally through "dayparted engagement." The action steps here include:
  • Practicing mindfulness with bifocal awareness (different than, but related to monitoring)
  • Optimizing for the best times to engage
  • Testing, planning and measuring
If you're an Edelman client you will also get access to specific tools and techniques, but I will share one with you today. Check out Timely, a brand new tool from Flowtown that helps you optimize your tweets and track their performance. It's a good start and they are planning to add some Pro services soon that I hope will elevate this into a must-use tool.



As always, we are eager to hear your feedback on this important topic.


Twitter responds to missing RT’s saga (via thenextweb)

Twitter responds to missing RT’s saga.

Posted by Brad McCarty Follow Brad McCarty on twitter on May 20th, 2010

We’ve been watching this episode since yesterday.  Some Twitter users were noticing that anything with RT in it wasn’t being seen in certain search functions.  The community as a whole went into an uproar.

It seems that Twitter heard that message loud and clear.  We contacted Twitter, and were just given this response via email:

“We’ve been experimenting with ways to identify duplicate content, and recently implemented an approach that identifies retweets as duplicates. This only applied for logged-in searches on, not to searches on, search APIs, or the logged-out homepage.  However, this change has not had a positive impact on the user experience so we plan to revert it. Eliminating explicitly duplicative content from search results in a more intelligent way is something we plan to work on more in the long-term.”

It’s always great to see when a company listens to the user base, and even greater when they take an extended hand.  The RT function is important to many of us, and Twitter sees that fact.

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